
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”


  • Pupil Premium Grant

    Tue 11 Jan 2022

    Pupil Premium Grant

    Did you know that children whose parents/carers are entitled to certain benefits maybe entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant. If you are entitled to any of these benefits it is worth checking for the pupil premium grant:

    · Income Support

    · Income-based Jobseekers Allowance

    · Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

    · Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

    · The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

    · Child Tax Credit only, provided your annual household income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) does not exceed £16,190. Anyone entitled to Working Tax Credit is not entitled to free meals regardless of income

    · Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

    · Universal Credit, if your earned income was £616.67 or less in your last monthly assessment period, or less than an average of £616.67 a month over the last 2 or 3 monthly assessment periods.


    Applications may be made through the following link


    The school receives the Pupil Premium Grant for any eligible child and uses this additional money in a variety of ways to benefit the children. Children in receipt of the grant are prioritised for access to the holiday project which they can attend for free. We will also look to subsidise school trips and KS2 children continue to receive a hot meal at no cost to the parents. Most of the money is put towards providing additional tuition and learning support.



    Thu 06 Jan 2022


    I’m sure by now we had hoped to see the back of COVID, but we are aware that case numbers are rising rapidly and especially in Portsmouth.  Very few regulations have changed for primary schools and we do appreciate your co-operation and support in working with us. We will continue to do our best to ensure children can learn with their friends in the classroom with their teacher but we can only do this if our staff stay fit and well. We are desperate to avoid having to move to remote learning but we can only avoid this if we all work together.

    How can you help us?

    1. Test your child/ren with a Lateral Flow Test (LFT) during the week especially if they have been with someone who has tested positive.

    2. If your child does test positive with a LFT your child will need to isolate from school. On day 6 and 7 they can take another  LFT and if both these tests are negative they can come back to school on day 8. Day 1 is the day the LFT was positive.  If the day 6 and 7 tests are positive the child must continue to self-isolate for 10 days.

    3. Parents/Carers MUST come to the school office before the child returns to school so we can carry out a health check.

    4. Anyone who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive should take a LFT for 7 days, but they do not need to isolate unless they test positive themselves or show symptoms or have not been vaccinated and are over the age of 18 years old and 6 months.

    5. Wear a mask whilst on the school site and especially in bottle neck areas.

    6. If your child is feeling unwell, we ask that they stay home for a day or so, so their symptoms can be monitored.

    At this moment in time we will not be returning to whole school assemblies; this mainly affects the Good Shepherd Assembly.  We are continuing with phonics and maths groups so children will mix across their phase but are reducing contact between phases of the school.

