
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

KS1 (Yrs 1+2)



       Owls             Badgers            Hedgehogs

    Year 1.2          Year 1.2             Year 1.2

    Mrs M. Martinez          Miss E. Elsom                  Mrs T. Thiba


     Mrs L. Cain Year 1 and 2 Phase Leader / Assistant Head teacher


Mrs E Devine - HLTA

Mrs M Zammit - HLTA

Miss P. Lytton

Mrs T. Smith

Miss C. Clarke

 Miss H. Goscombe

                 Mrs S. Tucker                 

Welcome to Year 1.2.


We love reading! We use Read, Write Inc to support our teaching of phonics and reading and our children are taught in small targeted groups each day. We assess children each half term so as we are always confident that their phonics learning meets their needs. Every child takes home a Read, Write Inc reading book each week to show off their wonderful reading skills, that they have worked so hard on all week, at home. 

Weekly spellings are also sent home which directly link to their Read, Write Inc assessed level.

Please visit our English curriculum pages to find out more about how we teach phonics within our school.                  



Autumn 2 Curriculum Guide

Important information


Change of books: all books will be changed on a Thursday. Please ensure all reading books are in school on this day.

Please keep your child's zippy wallet and reading book in their book bag.


Spellings: These words directly link to your child's RWI phonics learning/group.

Please practise to read and write these words everyday.

Spellings will be collected in on a Thursday and new lists sent home on a Friday.


Library Days:

All classes will bring a library book home on a Friday. Please return library books on a Friday so as books can be swapped.


PE days:

Our PE days will be: 

Wednesday and Friday

Please ensure that full and correct PE kits are worn into school on these days.

