“We live our lives like Jesus”
School Attendance Matters
We believe that for children to make good progress and maintain friendships, good attendance is vital. If your child develops a habit of regular school attendance from the beginning, they'll have a positive attitude at school and beyond. Evidence shows that children who attend regularly are more successful, not only in school, but in all areas of life.
Missing school means not only missing out on lessons, but also friendships, clubs, trips and all the other opportunities that school has to offer.
As parents, you have a very important part to play in encouraging and supporting your child to ensure they understand the importance of regular attendance from an early age. You can help them to maintain that attitude throughout their school life and into their work life.
We are committed to ensuring that every child gets the chance to go to school to help them to get the best possible start to life.
Please speak to us if you have any worries about getting your child into school.
Research proves that if a child's attendance drops to 90% or less, there can be a significant impact on achievement, with children finding school more challenging, both in terms of their learning and also their friendships, confidence and social skills. At Corpus Christi, School Attendance Matters and we are passionate at supporting parents/carers in maintaining high levels of attendance so that each child has the best possible educational experience.
Our aim is that every child's attendance will be above 97%.
What time does the school day start?
Beginning of the day
All children should enter the school at the front gate between 8.35-8.45am.
If children arrive later than these times, they will need to enter through the main school entrance and into the school office. They will need to be signed in by the parent/carer and coded as' late before register closure' or 'late after the register has closed' and therefore absent for that session.
After 9am
If any child/ren arrive between 8.50 and 9.05 am they are regarded as late and parents/carers should bring them to the Main Office and sign them in.
If they arrive after 9.05am, they are coded as absent for that session in the class register.
What time does the school day end?
End of the day
All children should be collected at 3.15pm from their classroom or school , if your child is not collected they will be taken to the school office for collection. They will need to be signed out by the parent/carer and coded as 'late collection'. If children are not collected by 3.30pm the will be taken to our after school provision.
What happens if my child cannot attend school?
Absence if unwell
If your child/ren is unwell, parents/carers should report this via the StudyBugs app or phone the Main Office (02392 661818) before 9.30am explaining why their child/ren is unable to attend school and when they are likely to return to the school on the first and subsequent days.
Miss Jack, Attendance Officer, will monitor absence and contact parents to discuss absence from school.
If the school has not heard from a family by 10.00am, they will phone the first contact listed on the contact information sheet, followed by all other contacts.
Where the school has been unable to make contact with a family and does not have a clear reason to explain a child's absence, they will make a home visit and may contact LA Child Missing in Education Service and/or Children's Services.
Parents will be asked for medical evidence if an illness absence occurs either side of a school holiday.
Absence for medical or dental appointments
Standard medical or dental appointments should be made outside of school hours. If a child is absent for a medical appointment it is still regarded as an absence from school and parents will need to provide an appointment card. Where there is no alternative for an appointment outside of the school day, children should only miss a short period of time and return to school as promptly as possible.
What happens if I need to ask for time away from school for my child?
Parents/carers are expected to take their children on holiday during the school holidays to minimise the impact of missing education.
Leave of Absence Requests
If there are exceptional circumstances as to why a child/ren should be taken out of school, parents/carers must complete a leave of absence request form in advance of the trip
Requests for leave of absence during term time will rarely be authorised and only in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the head teacher. Although each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis a child/ren 's overall attendance will be taken into account.
When requests are declined this is regarded as an unauthorised absence and if it is taken, each parents is liable to a fixed penalty notice which may result in a £60 fine per parent.
How do we reward good attendance?
Weekly Award
Individual classes awarded with extra playtime who have achieved the highest attendance for the previous week. This is presented at the end of the Celebration Assembly.
Individual Recognition
Where a child's attendance has significantly improved, the head teacher will write to parents and the child recognising this improvement. Children with exceptional attendance and those where it has improved will be invited for hot chocolate with the head teacher.