
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

Corpus Christi News

19th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can’t quite believe we are coming to the end of another school year! As always, a year packed with  fun, learning and new experiences.  It has been a good year and we end the year thanking our marvellous staff, supportive governors and Fr Emmanuel for all they have done this year. On
behalf of the staff, I thank you for the support you have given  the school and encouragement of your child/ren this year.  Finally, we thank the children for their enthusiasm and hard work.


Well done Year 6 - you treated us to a wonderful performance of Star Warts! It was fantastic to see your confidence, camaraderie and team spirit which reflected on how much you have grown
during the last few weeks.

It has been fantastic to witness their kindness and respect of each other and they leave us as
confident, articulate young people ready for new challenges and experiences.

We wish Year 6 well as they move onto their secondary schools and thank them for the superstars they all are.





How tall is your sunflower?

The sunflower competition will finish on Wednesday 4th September—please send photos and measurements to school from 1st –4th September. We are looking for the tallest sunflower, the widest sunflower and the most beautiful sunflowers.


Staff Starters and Leavers  

At the end of this year Mrs Fleming and Mrs Redding will be leaving us to take on new adventures. Ms Pinches will also be leaving to start her teacher training.  They have each supported the children and school in their respective roles and we thank them for their work here with us and wish them well for the future.

 We welcome Miss Fripp who is our new Inclusion Leader and will be the main contact for parents in relation to special needs. Mrs Precious—  and Mrs Hassana who will be joining our teaching team.  Mrs Kirk who will offer pastoral support and ELSA. Mrs Potter and Miss Lytton who will be joining our support staff team.



Art Aprons

Our Art aprons are looking a little worse for wear! If anyone has any old  T-shirts (Adult or age  11+) that would be suitable to use as aprons during the art lessons, please could they be donated to the school.  

Uniform Rail

Uniform Rail will be available on Friday and Wednesday after school for any parent who might like to pick up some uniform for September. We do ask for a small donation towards any item that is taken from the rail. Parents can also drop into school on Wednesday 24th July 9.30-11.30am  for uniform or Tuesday 3rd September 1.30-2.30pm  We do ask for a donation of 50p per item.


From September the School Lunch prices will increase to £2.68.


           Scooters and Bikes

There has been a steep rise in the number of scooters being ridden to school recently. Removing them at the end of the day, is proving hazardous and dangerous.  Therefore, for the last few days of the school year I am asking that no scooters are brought into school.  If your child does ride one to school, we will be asking parents to take them home with them.  In September, we will operate a rotation system where different year groups will be able to ride their scooter each week.  We also ask that pre-school children do not ride a scooter or balance bike to collect their older brother or sister.
Children in Yr5 and 6 may ride a bike to school and leave it here during the day once they have passed their cycle safety course.


Dog Free School

In preparation for September we are reviewing our Health and Safety Policy and are reminding parents that we are a dog free school. This includes dogs which are carried or on a lead. Only assistant dogs are allowed on the school site.  Please do not bring your dog, no matter how lovely they are, on the school site.


Mobile Free School

At pick up and drop off, please can we ask that mobile devices are put away and parents are not on calls. At the end of the day, children will want to tell you about their day and do need your support and attention.  It is also supporting our safeguarding policies. Thank you.



    Well done to Ladybirds AGAIN for 99% attendance last week, also well done to Dragonflies for 98%! This week Hedgehogs and Kestrels class received treat afternoons for best attendance in KS1 & KS2 for this year! We also picked names from a hat to award children who’s attendance has improved significantly in comparison to last year.  They will receive their rewards next week! All the children who have 100% attendance will see the return of our 100% badges and will receive theirs today!


    Please ensure your child is dressed in their PE kit for their PE day. 


    During this hot weather please:

    • Send your child/ren into school with a hat and water bottle
    •  Apply sun cream to your child/ren at home before school and please do not send the suncream into school. Some creams now contain nut oils and as we are a nut free school, we cannot have these on site.  


    GOOD SHEPHERD                                          READING CHAMPIONS

    BUMBLEBEES -                   ARSA                                            ISLA-BELLE
    LADYBIRDS -                     AMBADI                                             ARNAV
    DRAGONFLIES -              FREADES                                          OTTILIE

    HEDGEHOGS -               CELESTINE                                      SHEKINAH
    BADGERS -                          BLEN                                              OLIVIA
    DOLPHINS -                       SERAH                                          FLORENCE
    ORCAS -                           MATILDA                                             IVY.S
    STARFISH -                      FRANKIE                                          KAELAN
    KINGFISHERS -                LOTTIE                                               NIYA
    KESTRELS -                     RUBY.B                                             DAWID.P
    STARLINGS -                    RUFUS                                             ALYSSA


    Golden Book:

    Emilia (Starlings) - Fabulous writing

    Belle (Orcas) - Great Maths 


    Bronze Merit Awards:                         

    Andreas (Starfish)

    Louis, Isla, Nichola, Mia,
    Michael & Cyprian (Dolphins)

    Natan.G (Starlings)

    Cohen (Kestrels)


    Silver Merit Awards:                   

    Oliver (Badgers)

    Sebastian (Hedgehogs)

    Finley (Dolphins)

    Ade, Jahmari, Hope, Alexander V-I & Ariam (Starfish)

    Ruby.B, Violet & David.C (Kestrels)


    Gold Merit Awards:

    Ottilie (Dragonflies)

    Dollie (Hedgehogs)

    Ifeoma (Kestrels)



    UTC ‘May the 4th’ Competition
    Joint 1st prize winners - Jett & Thomas.B were
    presented with a 3D printed model of their design!

    2nd prize - Kemi

    Joint 3rd prizes - Janet & Liliana

    All our winners were presented with certificates and badges.



    Well done to Oskar!

    Oskar has achieved his green belt in Kickboxing AND was Star of the week.

    What a great achievement Oskar - well done and  thank you for sharing!

    Please do let us know of your child’s amazing achievements out of school so we can celebrate with them.


    Dates for Your Diary

    Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd July                     Class Transition Events

    Wednesday 24th July                                                    INSET Day - school closed for all children

     Thursday 25th July - Friday 30th August        SUMMER HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children



    Monday 2nd September                                          INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Tuesday 3rd September                                           INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November     HALF TERM - school closed for all children

    Wednesday 13th  November -                                Yr 4 Stubbington Residential
    Friday 15th November

    Monday 25th November                                         INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Monday 23rd December -                                    SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children
    Friday 3rd January     

    Tuesday 11th February - Friday 14th February    Yr 6 Runways End Residential

    Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February     HALF TERM - school closed for all children

    Monday 24th February                                             INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Monday 7th April -                                                SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children
    Monday 21st April               

    Monday 5th May                                                       BANK HOLIDAY - school closed for all children

    Friday 23rd May                                                         INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May                    HALF TERM - school closed for all children

    Friday 4th July                                                            INSET Day - school closed for all children

    Wednesday 23rd July -                                       SUMMER HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children
    Tuesday 2nd September 




    Year 3/4 Healthy Schools week!


    We had such a fun time during our healthy schools week. We took on the challenge of creating our own Top Trump cards based on the top places in Portsmouth that can boost our mental health. We used different devices and sources to explore the best places in Portsmouth and sorted them into the type of activity it was. We narrowed this down to 3 categories: Calmness, activeness and fun!


    Feel free to play the game at home and maybe even pay a visit to these amazing places!



    Chicken Pox - 2nd May 2024


    Dear Parents/ Carers,

    We are writing to inform you that we have more than one confirmed case of chickenpox in the school.

    Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the procedure for when to keep your child at home and when it is appropriate to send them back to school, should your child develop the symptoms. Chicken pox is a mild and common childhood illness caused by a virus called varicella zoster. It is most common in children under the age of 10 and is contagious. The person is contagious from 1 to 2 days before the spots appear until the spots have crusted over (usually 5-6 days after the spots appear). Groups of people that are most at risk of serious problems if they catch chicken pox are newborn babies, pregnant women and those with a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is important, if your child has chicken pox, to keep them at home while they are contagious. If we suspect a child has chicken pox at school, parents will be contacted and asked to collect them. All children should remain at home until all chicken pox spots have crusted over to avoid further spread of the illness. Please note as the spots spread, some will be healing as new ones appear. Your child needs to remain home until all the blisters are crusted over (they are contagious until that time).

    To seek further advice please contact your GP. We appreciate your understanding on this.


    Scarlet Fever - 6th March 2024


    Dear Parents and Carers
    We have been informed that a small number of children in the school have been diagnosed with suspected or confirmed scarlet fever.
    Although scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, it should be treated with antibiotics to minimise the risk of complications and reduce the spread to others. The symptoms of scarlet fever include a sore throat, headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting. This is followed by a fine rash which typically first appears on the chest and stomach, rapidly spreading to other parts of the body. On white skin the rash looks pink or red. On brown and black skin it might be harder to see a change in colour, but you can still feel the sandpaper- like texture of the rash and see the raised bumps. The face can be flushed red but pale around the mouth.
    If you think you, or your child, have scarlet fever:

    • See your GP (please remember to take this letter with you) or contact NHS 111 as soon as possible
    • Make sure that your child takes the full course of any antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
    • Stay at home, away from nursery, education, or work until at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment, to avoid spreading the infection.

    The infection causing scarlet fever (group A streptococcal infection) also causes sore throats (strep throat), mild fever and minor skin infections (for example, impetigo). If someone in your family has any of these symptoms in the next 30 days, we advise that you take them (along with this letter) to see their GP. Their GP can arrange for them to be tested if necessary and then treated with antibiotics if the GP thinks they have a group A streptococcal infection. If the GP thinks that the person has group A streptococcal infection, they will need to remain off work, education or nursery for 24 hours following the start of the antibiotics.
    Rarely, children with scarlet fever or other mild GAS infections can develop more serious infections. Children who have had chickenpox recently are more likely to develop more serious infection. Parents and carers should remain vigilant for symptoms such as a persistent high temperature, skin infection and joint pain and swelling. If you are concerned for any reason, please seek medical assistance immediately.
    If your child has an underlying condition which affects their immune system, you should contact your GP or hospital doctor to discuss whether any additional measures are needed.
    You can find more information in on scarlet fever symptoms, diagnosis and treatment at


    Yours sincerely


    U Clark

    Head teacher
