
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

Corpus Christi News

11th October 2024


Dear Parents and Carers


Parent Governor Vacancy

We need your time and talent

I am writing to inform you of a vacancy for the role of parent governor on our governing board. The parent governor role is open to any parent or carer who has a child/ren registered at the school at the time of appointment. This is an important role as we move forward from our recent Ofsted and implement plans for the future and on-going improvement of the school.


The role of the local governing board

The school’s governing board is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance.  The board is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

The role of a parent governor

As a parent governor, you’ll work with the board to make sure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in bringing a parental perspective to the governing board, but you’re not there to speak ‘on behalf’ of the parent body.

To be a parent governor you should have:

A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children

Good inter-personal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills

How to apply

If you’re interested in applying for the role, please complete the candidate form which can be found on our school website in the Governor section— or can be collected from the school office. The form should be returned to the Governance Professional Clerk J Parish at or in a sealed envelope marked for the attention of J Parish, Governance Professional Clerk at the School’s office by Friday 24th October. If we receive more applications than there are vacancies, a secret ballot will be carried out. We will inform you closer to the time if we have to do this.


Further information about the role and the application form can be found on our school website


If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please contact
Miss Clark or Natasha Burnett, Chair of Governors.


Miss Clark 

Harvest 2024

Standing in Solidarity with our Neighbour

Our Harvest Collection

Thank you for your donations to our Harvest Collection which will end on the 22nd October.  All
donations, both tinned and packet food or monetary donation, will be given to the Bucklands Soup
Kitchen as we stand in solidarity with our local community.  We have asked the children to do something to “earn” their donation; perhaps giving up a treat to use the money to donate.  

We will be celebrating Mass at 2pm on Thursday 23rd October where we will share our donations with Buckland Soup Kitchen—all families are welcome to join us.


Polite reminder

Over the last few weeks, there have been a number of incidents of inappropriate behaviour by a minority of parents at drop off and collection or during phone calls between home and school. This has included disrespectful and at times aggressive behaviour towards staff and inappropriate comments made about and towards other parents and children. These incidents have left people, including children, feeling
upset, bullied and distressed.  We all are responsible for acting as positive role models to the children in our community and it is important that everyone demonstrates our school rules of being respectful and being safe. It is really important that all children, staff and parents feel safe and recognise the school as a safe place.  Having parents shouting about situations on the school site or simply by the way they act towards others through gossip, comments and looks, only brings disharmony and conflict and we have enough of that in the world already!

Firstly, can I thank the vast majority of parents who work with us, even during the most challenging times, with mutual respect and dignity. It means we can resolve conflict or issues more effectively whilst maintaining positive relationships which at the end of the day benefit the children.

Secondly, if you do have a concern, please do speak to us.  Generally, parents should speak to the class teacher in the first instance, However, I am available for parents to speak to on most days - catching me at the gate is not always the best time to speak to me—so please do make an appointment if you can.

Thirdly, if we need to, we may ask a parent to collect their child/ren from the school office, in order to protect the community.

I am sorry that this may come across as harsh or negative, however, there are no acceptable reasons for anyone being abusive on the school site and we will not tolerate abuse or harassment of any kind
towards any member of the school community.

Thank you for your support and trust

Miss Clark

Be Ready—Be Respectful—Be Safe

Talk Matters

Your voice needs to be heard

This year, one of our key priorities is to develop Oracy - supporting children to learn to talk and learn through talk!  By the time children start school, most are confident chatterboxes, but our work on Oracy aims to teach children to talk more effectively, in sentences and with a wide range of vocabulary.  Oral communication is such an important life skill and effective communicators have so many more opportunities than those whose voices are not always heard.  Our aim is that all children leave Corpus Christi as confident and articulate young people ready for the next stage of their education.

Zoom in, Zoom out Chat

We wanted to take a moment to highlight the vital role of communication in your  children’s development and education. Talking—whether at home, in the classroom, or during  extracurricular activities—plays a crucial part in fostering their social, emotional, and cognitive growth. At Corpus Christi we look to explore many different ways of encouraging talk and communication. One of the ways we would like to encourage this is by giving children a talking task to do at home. Each week in our newsletter there will be a picture of something zoomed in very closely and we will give you tips on how to discuss it with your child. Please take the time to discuss it at home and the item will be revealed the following week!



Discussion Tip!

Try discussing the item with your child using full sentence to explain your thinking:

I wonder if this could be a ____ because I can see _____

What do you think about the picture?


Drop off and Collection

Gates open from 8.35-8.45am and 3.15-.3.25pm

Please can I remind parents that children in Years R-4 and those in Year 5 and 6 must be brought to and collected from school by an adult.  Children in Years 5 and 6 with permission from a parent can walk to and from home and school without an adult. However, they cannot bring younger brothers and sisters to school.  Parents do need to wait with their child until the gate is open; we’ve spotted a  number of children in years R-4 who are being left without adult supervision.


Due to the number of children who are being collected late (i.e after 3.25pm) we will be establishing a late policy, including fines for parents whose children are collected later from school on more than 3 occasions in the year. 



You should have received our Late Collection Policy via email yesterday, this will come into place after October half term, from Monday 4th November. Paper copies can be requested from the Office. Please ensure emergency contacts and home details are up to date which can also be completed at the Office. Thank you.


Year R Welcome Liturgy

We are inviting you to join your child /children to our welcome liturgy on Wednesday 23rd October at 2:30pm in the church. It would be a great opportunity for staff, children and parents of our new children to gather together to celebrate the word of God.



Please can we remind parents of our expectations for hair and hair styles in school.  It is really important that hair, longer than shoulder length is tied back, especially if fringes are covering eyes. 

Children may wear small ribbons or bands but large bows, coloured beads and hair bands should be kept for the weekends and holidays and not for school. We have a number of children with braids containing beads—please can these be removed asap—I frequently see beads hitting other children when a child moves their head!

Hair should be of a natural colour hue and therefore we do not allow brightly dyed hair in school. We also do not allow extreme hair cuts and would expect hair cuts to be of a blended style without a significant distinction between the length of hair on the top and sides.


Uniform reminders…. Socks and Shoes

Polite remindergirls may wear knee length, ankle socks or tights. Over the knee socks are not part of our uniform policy and girls will be asked to change them or roll then down so they are below the knee.

Shoes must be black and sensible for school.



























Isabelle (Kingfishers) - For an interesting explanation in History

Christabel (Kingfishers) - Thoughtful RE

Isla (Starlings) - Amazing History Homework

Hannah (Hedgehogs) - Super Science

Skyla (Hedgehogs) - Trying her best

Ivie (Badgers) - Thoughtful RE



Well done to Starfish & Kingfishers class for almost 100% attendance last week.

Amazing attendance for all classes again!

Attendance Expectations

What YOU must do:

Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence or alert us via the
Studybugs app.
Tell the school in advance, of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters.
If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival.
Have a backup plan for your child’s usual means of transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.
If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help!


What  WE will do:

Check your child’s attendance every day.
Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you.
Invite you into school for attendance meetings if we are concerned.
If we cannot establish a reason for absence, then we may make a welfare home visit.


In case you don’t know already, we use an efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness, called Studybugs. You can use it to tell us if your child’s ill and unable to attend school. If your child has been off of school for a few days and we have only had contact via the Studybugs app we may still contact you for further information.

Dates for your Diary

Thursday 17th October                                           School Nurse appointments (booking required)

                                                                                     KS2 Author Visit

Monday 21st October                                             Year 5 Bikeability begins (booking required)

Wednesday 23rd October                                      Year R Welcome Liturgy @ 2.30pm

Thursday 24th October                                           Harvest Mass @ 2pm

Friday 25th October              8.45/9am Drop-In/Coffee Morning hosted by Ms Fripp and Mrs Kirk

Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November    HALF TERM - school closed for all children

Wednesday 13th  November -                               Yr 4 Stubbington Residential
Friday 15th November

Thursday 14th November                                       School Nurse appointments (booking required)

Monday 25th November                                         INSET Day - school closed for all children


Wednesday 4th December                                     Christmas Fiesta 3.15pm - 4.45pm

Tuesday 10th December                                          YrR Nativity @ TBC

Thursday 12th December                                        School Nurse appointments (booking required)

                                                                                      Yr3-6 Christmas Jumper & Christmas Lunch Day

                                                                                      Yr1-2 Nativity @ 2pm-3pm

Friday 13th December                                              YrR-2 Christmas Jumper & Christmas Lunch Day

Wednesday 17th December                                    Grandparents Tea Party  @ 1.45pm

Friday 20th December                                              Yr3-6 Carol Service at 2.15pm

Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January   SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children

Tuesday 11th February - Friday 14th February     Yr 6 Runways End Residential

Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February     HALF TERM - school closed for all children

Monday 24th February                                             INSET Day - school closed for all children

Monday 7th April - Monday 21st April               SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children

Monday 5th May                                                       BANK HOLIDAY - school closed for all children

Friday 23rd May                                                         INSET Day - school closed for all children

Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May                     HALF TERM - school closed for all children

Friday 4th July                                                            INSET Day - school closed for all children

Wednesday 23rd July - Tuesday 2nd September SUMMER HOLIDAYS - school closed for all children


Parents are warmly welcomed to join us for Mass and Liturgies.




Year 3/4 Healthy Schools week!


We had such a fun time during our healthy schools week. We took on the challenge of creating our own Top Trump cards based on the top places in Portsmouth that can boost our mental health. We used different devices and sources to explore the best places in Portsmouth and sorted them into the type of activity it was. We narrowed this down to 3 categories: Calmness, activeness and fun!


Feel free to play the game at home and maybe even pay a visit to these amazing places!


