
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

World Book Day

World Book Day (Play with sound to listen to our choir too!)

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We had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating World Book Day!
The school was filled with an amazing wealth of book characters (not to mention smiles) and lots and lots of book talk!

The children were treated a staff pantomime of The Three Little Pigs to start our day - it truly was an Oscar worthy performance from all involved!
The day continued with children visiting a variety of teachers from across the school who led different activities throughout the day. Children moved in mixed groups of children from year R all the way up to year 6 - as always it was very special to watch how kind and nurturing our older pupils were towards our younger pupils, also the team work seen on days like these was exemplary.

Staff Pantomime - The Three Little Pigs

Creative Writing Week


Inspired by the events of World Book Day, classes then focussed on this traditional tale for the week's English lessons. 

In Year 5/6 children experimented with viewpoint after reading 'The true Story of the Three Little Pigs' by Jon Scieszka. They planned, wrote and rehearsed persuasive speeches to be given to the judge at the court room trial of the three piggies following the murder of the wolf. You can listen to Julia's speech below:

Julia's Speech

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