“We live our lives like Jesus”
History Subject Leader: Ms M Martinez
Lest We Forget...
The importance of teaching our pupils the meaning of Remembrance cannot be ignored. Remembrance Day marks the end of World War I at 11 am on 11th November 1918. It is a day to remember those who served and are currently serving. It is a day when we remember those who have been lost to us in service and to respect their memories. It is a day to remember, to keep memories and to hope and pray for a peaceful future. Our future leaders are our children, and in learning about Remembrance we hope they will understand the past and work to shape a peaceful future.
History Information for Year Groups
Year R
Year 1/2
We will be learning about the Great Fire of London!
Year 3/4
We are going to be learning about the Saxons and Scots! Were the Saxons really smashing? Let's find out!
Year 5/6
We will be trying to determine, was Sir Francis Drake a pirate or a hero? Can we find historical evidence to prove what we believe?