“We live our lives like Jesus”
The Hungry Wolf
One calm day the lethal wolf was hunting for his next scrumptious meal. He was so anxious because he didn’t know where he could find some juicy meat. All of a sudden, the hungry wolf saw his next victim. The wolf had an idea…
The suspicious wolf sneakily crept towards his delicious meal. He creepily followed the pig all the way to his weak straw house. While the pig cluelessly walked into his house, the daring wolf was ready to pounce.
The confident wolf bashed the pig’s door and said, “Little pig, little pig, can I come in?”
“NO,” cried the terrified pig. “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!”
So the wolf screamed, “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.”
The straw house fell to the ground and made a loud crash. The scared little pig sprinted all the way to his brother’s house.
The mischievous wolf followed him all the way to his brother’s house, which was made from strong sticks. The intimidating wolf bashed the pig’s door and said, “Little pig, little pig, can I come in?”
“NO,” shouted the terrified pigs. “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!”
So the wolf shouted, “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.”
The stick house slammed to the ground. The worried little pigs sprinted all the way their brother’s house.
The tired wolf followed them all the way, was he ever going to find something to eat? He was so hungry that his stomach began to growl like a volcano.
The furious wolf weakly tapped the pig’s door and said, “Little pig, little pig, can I come in?”
“NO,” wailed the nervous pigs. “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!”
So the wolf shouted, “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.”
The angry wolf began to huff and puff, but, he couldn’t blow the indestructible house down! He felt like he was going to faint because he was so tired so the determined wolf came up with a cunning plan.
“I’ll climb down the chimney,” he growled.
Without hesitation, the brave wolf began to climb. Little did he know; the cunning pigs were down below building a ferocious fire.
As soon as the wolf reached the top of the roof, he courageously dived into the chimney. He was going to eat at last! His mouth was watering, he could almost taste his dinner.
Suddenly, the nervous wolf began to feel hot. He was getting hotter and hotter, he began to sweat. Was it nerves?
“Uh-oh,” he thought. He wasn’t nervously sweating, he was on fire!
The wolf shot out of the chimney like a rocket. His dinner laughed maliciously as he sprinted off into the distance. He decided that he would live out the rest of his days eating bacon- the kind you would find a supermarket and NOT in a house.