
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

Religious Education

Religious Education Subject Leader; Mrs A. Miles

Religious Education

At Corpus Christi, Religious Education (RE) is part of our core curriculum and is the heart and soul of the school. By teaching RE, the school helps children to experience, understand and celebrate their Catholic faith; provide opportunities for children to learn about the teachings of Christ and the Church; learn about other faiths and enables children to build a personal relationship with God through as understanding of their unique position in His Creation.


The school follows "God's Matters" RE scheme which has been developed by the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth. The scheme of work consists of 7 units which reflect the Church's liturgical year. RE is taught each week, with each unit based around scripture. Children explore the meaning of the scripture and develop an understanding of how this translates into our everyday life.


Collective Worship and Opportunities for prayer

Collective worship celebrates God's presence in everything that we do so that praise, honour and thanksgiving may be given to him. When we come together to pray we enter into a loving relationship with God. Here at Corpus Christi, we believe that our daily collective worship supports our children in developing their own personal relationship with God. Children also regularly participate in Mass and class assemblies which are shared with parents.

Christmas Giving

Our Corpus Christi University Stars delivered our Christmas gifts to the elderly residents of Meadow House and Bluewater Care Homes.

Making Lavendar Bags

Our Corpus Christi University Stars made and sold lavender bags and organised our Harvest Collection for the North End Food Bank.