
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”


Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School in North End, Portsmouth. We are proud of our school and hope that our website gives you a flavour of some of the opportunities that your child will encounter and what makes Corpus Christi a wonderful school for your child and their family.

Our school name reminds us that we are the Body of Christ, where children and Christ are very much at the heart of all we do.

Our Mission Statement “We live our lives like Jesus,” is modelled by children and staff each day, through their mutual respect and care for each other and God’s world, enthusiasm to do their best and commitment to being positive and active members of their community and society.

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school where all pupils’ unique gifts and talents are welcomed, nurtured and encouraged. Pope Francis says; ‘The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth of what is good and beautiful.’

At Corpus Christi, we aim to make learning engaging and meaningful, in order to develop confident, caring and happy children who are nurtured to achieve their goals. Our rich, challenging curriculum and stimulating learning environment encourages pupils to work hard, do their best and enjoy their time at school, equipping them for the next stage in their education.

Our Catholic ethos is central to Corpus Christi and is at the heart of the school’s life. RE, Liturgy and worship remains at the core of our week and we aim to live out Gospel values in all that we do. Our latest Diocesan Section 48 Report acknowledged that the school’s ‘mission to support children in their faith development and to enable all members to reach their full potential, is truly lived out and celebrated in all aspects of the school’s life.’ Throughout the year, children’s spiritual development is enriched through a wide variety of high quality liturgies and other opportunities to deepen our relationship with Christ. We are fortunate to have Corpus Christi Church on our doorstep and strong and mutually supportive links exist between the school and parish.

As a Catholic school, we recognise that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children. It is our role to work in partnership with parents and the Parish to support each child to become the best person they can be. We strive to maintain and strengthen these links in many ways as possible, so do encourage parents to contact us whenever they need to.

We are part of the Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust with Oaklands Catholic Secondary and Six Form Academy in Waterlooville.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website, but would encourage you to visit the school to see us in action and experience all that the school has to offer.

Best wishes

Ursula Clark

Head teacher
