
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

“We live our lives like Jesus”

Art and Design

Art and DT Subject Leader; Mrs A. Hazelden

Year R

Year R Angels

Year 1 and 2, Bikes- Drawing from observation

Year 1. Lunar Year Dragons

Year 1 and 2 Tone in drawing

Year 1 and 2 , Printing penguins and Owls

Year 1 and 2 Printing

Year 1 and 2 Texture of Teddy bears

Year 1 and 2 Collage inspired by Matisse's 'Snail' and his 'Painting with scissors.'

Year 1 and 2 Clay work

The Three Kings / Collage cards

Year 1 and 2 The Gruffalo and Wild Things

Year 1 and 2 Paul Klee 'The cat and the Bird '

Year 1 and 2 : Windows of hope ( flower fields, paint printing)

Year 1 and 2 Tone and line drawings of HMS Victory / Collage and paint seascape

Year 2 Colour Mixing

Year 3 and 4 Mosaics

Year 3 and 4: Biomes Mixed media (tints in paint . warm colours in pastels, collage sea creatures and plants)

Year 3 and 4 Colour - Mixing tints

Year 3 and 4 Picasso Faces Collage

Year 3 and 4 Egyptian Headdress Collage

Year 3 and 4 Winter landscapes/ painting

The Stable ( Christmas cards )

Year 3 and 4 Caribbean Fruit / Drawing from observation

Year 3 and 4 : Clay Sutton Hoo models

Year 3 and 4 : Windows of hope - Sunflowers as a universal symbol of hope ( wax resist and paint )

Year 5 and 6 . Drawing figures

Year 5 and 6 Block printing

Year 5 and 6. Tonal perspective landscapes

Year 5 and 6 Recycled art in the style of My dog Sighs

Year 5 and 6 Class animals

Year 5 and 6 Tie Dye

Year 5 and 6 : Textiles

Year 5 and 6 Amazon Rainforest bird masks

Year 5 and 6: Easter Crosses

Year 5 and 6 Clay pots

Year 5 Clay Bears

Year 5 and 6, Clay Maquettes inspired by Henry Moore sculptures
